If you’d have asked us back in 2019 what our predictions were for the next few years, we would never have said that finding ways to work during a public health pandemic would be top of our list.
As the world is in the grips of a deadly second wave, and the UK is in the middle of its third national lockdown, many employers are wondering how exactly we’ll ever be able to get back to work.
Managing The Risk
It’s not just the risk of COVID-19 that employers are worried about, although that’s a big enough risk to keep any employer and employee concerned, the global pandemic has highlighted areas of hygiene that we perhaps didn’t think about beforehand.
Many of our clients have told us that they love their new glass partition installation because it allows them the peace of mind to know that they’re minimising the risk of spread amongst teams. The fashion for big open-plan offices is great for collaboration, but not helpful if you’re trying to stop the spread of a virus.
With a glass partition installation, companies can separate teams to work independently, whilst keeping that feel of collaboration and light across the office space, making the space feel a lot less claustrophobic than it could have if our clients had gone solid for walled partition systems instead.
After carrying out risk assessments and looking into building regulations, it’s clear that many businesses could be doing more with office partitions to ensure staff work in a healthier environment, even after this current pandemic has finally left us.
What Are We Doing?
As a company, the safety and the health of our staff is our top priority. We want to ensure we’re minimising the risk of passing on any germs and minimising the risk of passing on the virus, especially as it’s estimated that 1 in 3 COVID-positive people are asymptomatic and may infect people without knowing it.
Here’s what we’re doing to minimise the risk of infection across our working sites.
Working Remotely
All staff that can work remotely are working remotely. This means staying at home and not coming into the office to mix with others.
We understand that this means a lack of social interaction, but it’s a small price to pay in the short term for everyone’s health in the long term.
Don’t worry though, our remote staff aren’t left out in the dark! We’re keeping in touch using the latest video conferencing software, and we have a great company culture that promotes a supportive environment for staff to work in, remote or not!
Masks and Social Distancing
When we are on-site, we’re maintaining social distancing, and everyone is asked to wear a clean face covering every day to help reduce the risk of person-to-person transmission.
We’ve also got sanitiser gel on hand to help promote handwashing regularly, and we’re keeping all surfaces and touchpoints extra clean throughout the day
Site Visits to a Minimum
We’re keeping site visits to a minimum right now.
As much as we’d love to go and visit our customers to see things in person, we’re doing as much as we can via video conferencing at the moment to ensure contact is at the bare minimum.
Mobile Showroom
Our mobile showroom is currently on standby, when we’re allowed to open up again, we’ll be ensuring that it meets the highest of safety requirements to keep everyone safe.
We’re all getting used to this new way of working, and we’re asking our customers to have a little extra patience with us at this difficult time, just as we will with you.
If you have any questions at all or would like to enquire about your glass partition installation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call today on 03333 583 003